Saturday, February 13, 2010


Sorry that it's been a week; we've been struggling with Suzie's issues and I haven't quite known what to write.

On Tuesday we took her to the vet, because she'd been kind of off her food. Nothing was wrong, it turns out, she's just "selective" about eating, probably because she was spoiled in her previous home. Oh boy. Mixing wet food into her dry works well, but adds expense to her diet. Or Nora can feed her a meal piece by piece.. and eventually she eats it all. Hmm.

Then Wednesday or so she started snapping at my girl when she was feeling nervous about what she was doing, big upset. So we're working on getting Suzie to come to us when she's feeling nervous, which both calms her down, because she gets pets and reassurances, and also stops the pursuit, because doggie is sitting, so she can be petted. I realized after reading some more Tamar Geller this evening that if I teach them both to play catch or fetch, it will help things all around.

We tried some more cat/dog interactions today, but Suzie was prevented from barking only because when she inhaled to do so she snorted a bit or treat and had to sneeze instead. Note: dog sneezes are still scary to nervous kitty-cats. The second time she just stood up, but didn't try to bark, which I guess is something. More hmm. Suzie hates when we go downstairs without her, but the cats need attention too, so there's no help for it.

We have roughly 5 days left of the "trial period", before our adoption fee is non-refundable. Not sure we could bear to take her back, but it's not completely off the table. We need all our family members to be happy with each other! Oi vey.

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